Record Class AutoCompleteDefinition

Record Components:
classDescription - the ClassDescription of the declaring class of the methodDescription()
methodDescription - the MethodDescription of the method this definition is bound to
commands - the commands this autocomplete handler can handle
All Implemented Interfaces:
Definition, Invokable, InteractionDefinition

public record AutoCompleteDefinition(@NotNull ClassDescription classDescription, @NotNull MethodDescription methodDescription, @NotNull Set<String> commands) extends Record implements InteractionDefinition
Representation of an auto complete handler.
  • Constructor Details

    • AutoCompleteDefinition

      public AutoCompleteDefinition(@NotNull @NotNull ClassDescription classDescription, @NotNull @NotNull MethodDescription methodDescription, @NotNull @NotNull Set<String> commands)
      Creates an instance of a AutoCompleteDefinition record class.
      classDescription - the value for the classDescription record component
      methodDescription - the value for the methodDescription record component
      commands - the value for the commands record component
  • Method Details