All Classes and Interfaces

Type adapter for JDAs AudioChannel.
Methods annotated with AutoComplete will be registered as a handler for AutoCompleteEvents for the given SlashCommands.
Representation of an auto complete handler.
This class is a subclass of Event.
Type adapter for boolean values.
Methods annotated with Button will be registered as a button at startup.
Representation of a button.
Type adapter for byte values.
Type adapter for character values.
Annotation used to add choices to parameters.
A Description that describes a class.
ClassFinders provide instances of Class that will be scanned for Interactions
Common interface for command interaction definitions.
This class is a subclass of Event.
Enum describing the two possible scopes a command can be registered for.
A tree data structure representing slash commands sorted into Subcommands and SubcommandGroups.
Represents a component, namely Button, StringSelectMenu or EntitySelectMenu, that should be added to a reply.
Common interface for component interaction definitions.
This class is a subclass of Event.
Subtype of ConfigurableReply that allows replying only with a name without a message.
Subtype of MessageReply that supports adding components to messages and changing the ReplyConfig.
Indicates that an annotation type can be used for parameter validation.
A Middleware implementation that will check the parameter constraints a SlashCommandDefinition might have.
Methods annotated with ContextMenu will be registered as a context menu command.
Representation of a context command.
Commands annotated with Cooldown will have a per-user cooldown.
A Middleware implementation that contains the business logic behind command cooldowns.
Representation of a custom id used in modals, buttons or select menus.
Indicates that the implementing Definition can be transformed into a JDA entity that has a CustomId.
Default implementation of DependencyInjector.
Implementation of ErrorMessageFactory with default embeds.
Default implementation of GuildScopeProvider.
Default implementation of PermissionsProvider with the following behaviour:
The common interface for all interaction definitions and their sub parts, such as parameters or text inputs, etc.
Central registry for dependencies and producing methods.
The common interface of all Description types.
A Descriptor takes a Class as input and transforms it into a ClassDescription.
A collection of classes relevant for EventHandlers.
Type adapter for double values.
This class loads and caches embeds from a json file.
This class is a DTO to serialize and deserialize JDAs embed objects to json.
Methods annotated with EntitySelectMenu will be registered as a EntitySelectMenu at startup.
Representation of an entity select menu.
Generic interface for factory classes that generate error messages.
Holds the respective GenericInteractionCreateEvent and InteractionDefinition of an error.
Abstract base event for all interaction events, like CommandEvent.
Implementations of this class are handling specific GenericInteractionCreateEvents.
Classes implementing ExpirationStrategy define a strategy when a Runtime should be closed.
ExpirationStrategy that closes a Runtime only when Event.closeRuntime() has been called.
ExpirationStrategy that closes a Runtime after the passed amount of time.
Type adapter for float values.
Type adapter for JDAs GuildChannel.
Type adapter for JDAs GuildMessageChannel.
Interface for declaring on which Guilds a guild scoped command should be registered.
Collection of helper methods that are used inside the framework.
Indicates that the annotated class is a custom implementation that should replace the default implementation.
Fields annotated with Inject will be assigned a value that is provided by a Produces method.
Type adapter for integer values.
Classes annotated with Interaction are responsible for defining and handling interactions.
Common interface for all definitions that represent an interaction.
Stores the configuration values for sending replies.
Central registry for all InteractionDefinitions.
Bundles data that is important for the execution of an interaction, especially for invoking the user defined method.
Indicates that the implementing Definition is bound to a method that can be invoked.
A functional interface, that allows the invocation of a MethodDescription.
The main entry point of the JDA-Commands framework.
This builder is used to build instances of JDACommands.
Wrapper class for JDA and ShardManager.
Indicates that the implementing Definition can be transformed into a JDA entity.
Handles incoming GenericInteractionCreateEvents and maps them to their corresponding Runtime, creating new ones if needed.
Subtype of DefaultErrorMessageFactory that can load the embeds from an EmbedCache.
A simple key-value-store to store variables between events.
Type adapter for long values.
The annotated element must be a number whose value must be less or equal to the specified maximum.
A Validator implementation that checks the Max constraint.
Type adapter for JDAs Member.
Simple builder for sending text messages based on a GenericInteractionCreateEvent.
Holds all objects needed to create an InteractionDefinition.
A Description that describes a method.
Middlewares run just before an interaction event gets dispatched.
Central registry for all Middlewares.
The annotated element must be a number whose value must be greater or equal to the specified minimum.
A Validator implementation that checks the Min constraint.
Methods annotated with Modal will be registered as a modal at startup.
Representation of a modal.
Representation of a modal text input defined by TextInput
This class is a subclass of Event.
Subtype of ReplyableEvent that also supports replying with a Modal.
Type adapter for JDAs NewsChannel.
The annotated element must be a user or member that doesn't have the specified discord permission.
A Validator implementation that checks the NotPerm constraint.
The annotated element must be member that doesn't have the specified guild role.
A Validator implementation that checks the NotRole constraint.
The annotated element must not be the specified user or member.
A Validator implementation that checks the NotUser constraint.
Parameters annotated with Optional are as the name says optional.
Representation of a slash command parameter.
Representation of a parameter constraint defined by a constraint annotation.
Annotation used to add a name and description to slash command parameters.
A Description that describes a parameter.
The annotated element must be a user or member that have the specified discord permission.
Interaction classes or interaction methods (commands, components or modals) annotated with Permission will require the user to have the given permissions in order to execute the command.
A Middleware implementation that will check permissions.
Interface for performing permission checks.
A Validator implementation that checks the Perm constraint.
Enum to define with witch priority a Middleware should be executed.
Methods annotated with Produces will be used to get the instance of a dependency.
An Descriptor implementation that uses java.lang.reflect to create the ClassDescription.
Common interface for classes that support simple message replies to GenericInteractionCreateEvent.
Subtype of Event that supports replying to the GenericInteractionCreateEvent with text messages.
Used to configure the reply behaviour of interaction replies.
The annotated element must be member that have the specified guild role.
Type adapter for JDAs Role.
A Validator implementation that checks the Role constraint.
A Runtime delegates the jda events to their corresponding EventHandler and manages the used virtual threads.
Common interface for select menu definitions.
Used to define SelectOptions for StringSelectMenus.
Internal wrapper for repeating SelectOptions.
Type adapter for short values.
Methods annotated with SlashCommand will be registered as a slash command at startup.
Representation of a slash command.
Representation of a cooldown definition defined by Cooldown.
Class that sends the CommandData to Discord.
Type adapter for JDAs StageChannel.
Methods annotated with StringSelectMenu will be registered as a StringSelectMenu at startup.
Representation of a string select menu.
Representation of a select option for a string select menu defined by a SelectOption.
Type adapter for JDAs TextChannel.
Annotation used to add TextInputs to Modals.
Type adapter for JDAs ThreadChannel.
Single node inside the CommandTree.
Generic top level interface for type adapting.
Central registry for all type adapters.
The annotated element must be the specified user or member.
Type adapter for JDAs User.
A Validator implementation that checks the User constraint.
Generic top level interface for validators.
Central registry for all Validators.
Type adapter for JDAs VoiceChannel.