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Runtime Concept


One of the core concepts in JDA-Commands is the so-called Runtime. It will be mentioned frequently here and in the Javadocs. A Runtime delegates the JDA events to their corresponding EventHandlers and manages the used virtual threads.

A new Runtime is created each time a:

is provided by JDA or if an interaction is marked as independent.

Runtimes are executed in parallel, but events are processed sequentially by each Runtime. Every EventHandler called by a Runtime is executed in its own virtual thread, isolated from the runtime one.

See Lifetime for details when a Runtime will close.

Threading Model

JDA-Commands will listen for incoming events on the JDA MainWS-ReadThread. It will then create a new Runtime or use an existing one, depending on the type of event (see the flowchart below for details). The incoming event is then passed to the corresponding Runtime.

Each Runtime will run in its own virtual thread, called JDAC Runtime-Thread <UUID>. The Runtime will wait for new incoming events and then delegate them to the correct EventHandler. For instance, a SlashCommandInteractionEvent will be passed to the SlashCommandHandler.

The EventHandler will again run in its own virtual thread, named JDAC EventHandler-Thread <UUID>, isolated from the runtime one. Other incoming events are only executed when the previous one has finished.

Blocking Methods

Because each event has its own virtual thread, you can call blocking methods like JDAs RestAction#complete safely without blocking the JDA MainWS-ReadThread.

Runtime Flowchart


By default, JDA-Commands will handle the lifetime of Runtimes for you. Every Runtime will be closed 15 minutes after its creation. This time span is oriented towards the lifespan of the InteractionHook.


You can disable the default behaviour by setting the ExpirationStrategy to EXPLICIT.
JDACommands.builder(jda, Main.class)

This will prevent any Runtime from closing until closeRuntime is explicitly called.

public void onCommand(CommandEvent event) {
    event.reply("Hello World!");


You can also adjust the time frame for a Runtime to be closed.


JDACommands.builder(jda, Main.class)
        .expirationStrategy(new ExpirationStrategy.Inactivity(20))//(1)!
  1. Note: the duration is always passed as minutes.

Components and Modals


By default, Buttons, SelectMenus and Modals are runtime-bound. This means that any incoming event will use the same Runtime as the interaction that replied with them.

However, this also means that they cannot be executed anymore after the Runtime is closed. JDA-Commands will handle that case and remove the component. It will also send an ephemeral reply to the user, saying that the component is no longer available.

Expiration Message

You can customize this error message, find more about it here.


You can also reply with components that are runtime-independent, making them virtually immortal. They will create a new Runtime everytime they are executed.

These components will even work after a full bot restart! If you want them to not be usable anymore you need to remove them on your own.


Modals cannot be independent because they always need a parent interaction that triggers them!

public void onCommand(CommandEvent event) {
    event.with().components(Component.independent("onButton")).reply("Hello World!");

Read more about building replies here.