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Avoiding Reflections

JDA-Commands uses java.lang.reflect in two places:

If you want to completely avoid java.lang.reflect you have to provide your own implementations.


ClassFinders are used to provide instances of Class that will be scanned for interactions or custom implementations. You can register at the JDA-Commands Builder.

JDACommands.builder(jda, Main.class)
    .classFinders(new CustomClassFinder());

Use ClassFinder#explicit(...) if you want to explicitly add a Class.


Calling classFinders(...) on the builder will override existing class finders. If you want to keep the default reflective class finder, you have to add it again via ClassFinder#reflective(...).

JDACommands.builder(jda, Main.class)
    .classFinders(ClassFinder.explicit(ForeignClass.class), ClassFinder.reflective(Main.class, "com.package"));


A Descriptor takes a Class as input and transforms it into a ClassDescription. Descriptors can also be registered using the @Implementation annotation. Alternatively, register them at the JDA-Commands Builder.

JDACommands.builder(jda, Main.class)
    .descriptor(new CustomDescriptor());