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When it comes to permissions there are essentially two options:

  1. Use the default permissions of a slash command. This defines a set of permissions of who can use a command by default. This will perform a Discord client side check.

  2. Use the permissions system of JDA-Commands described below. This will perform a bot side permissions check guild admins have no influence on.


Guild admins can modify the default permissions of a slash command at any time! If you want to enforce permissions or secure a critical command further you should use the permissions system of JDA-Commands.

Adding Permissions to an Interaction

Use the @Permissions annotation to add permissions to an interaction. This isn't limited to slash commands, but can be any type of interaction.

The @Permissions annotation takes an arbitrary amount of Strings as input. Each String defines a permission that must be present. By default, you can pass Discord Permissions, like BAN_MEMBERS. JDA-Commands will then check if the executor has the respective Discord Permission before executing the interaction.


@Command("moderation ban")
public void onBan(CommandEvent event, Member target) {...}

Instead of annotating individual interaction methods, you can also annotate the interaction controller class. Class annotation permissions and method annotation permissions will be combined.


public class AdminCommands {...}

Error Message

If a user is lacking permissions, JDA-Commands will send an error message:

Permissions Error Message

You can customize this error message, find more about it here.

Own Permissions

You can also set up your own permission system, which goes beyond the usage of Discord Permissions. Since you only pass Strings, you have a lot of freedom in the design. Common design choices are:

  • Domain based system, e.g. guild.mod.kick, guild.mod.ban, etc. also allowing for wildcards like guild.mod.*
  • Role based system, e.g. having a USER, MODERATOR, ADMIN, etc. role

For our example, let's go with a role based system:


@Permissions({"MODERATOR", "ADMIN"})
@Command("moderation ban")
public void onBan(CommandEvent event, Member target) {...}

The default PermissionsProvider implementation will always fail, because both MODERATOR and ADMIN are invalid, we have to provide our own implementation.

PermissionsProvider Implementation

The PermissionsProvider has two almost identical hasPermissions(...) methods.

The first one gives you an User object, the second one a Member object. Therefore, the first method is for interactions that are not executed on a guild (e.g. DMs) and the second method is for interactions that take place on a guild. Both methods also give you access to the InvocationContext.

This distinction does not necessarily have to be relevant. In most cases, the member method can simply call the user method.

What's the difference between a Member and a User?

Discord differentiates between Users and Members, whereby a User represents a global Discord user, and a Member represents a Discord user on a specific guild.


public class RolePermissionsProvider implements PermissionsProvider {

    private final Collection<Long> admins = List.of(1234567890L);
    private final Collection<Long> moderators = List.of(1234567890L, 987654321L); //(1)!

    public boolean hasPermission(User user, InvocationContext<?> context) {
        boolean hasPermissions = true; //(2)!

        for (String permission : context.definition().permissions()) {
            switch (permission) {
                case "ADMIN" -> hasPermissions = admins.contains(user.getIdLong());
                case "MODERATOR" -> hasPermissions = moderators.contains(user.getIdLong());
                default -> System.out.println("Unknown permission: " + permission);

        return hasPermissions;

    public boolean hasPermission(@NotNull User user, InvocationContext<?> context) {
        return hasPermission(member.getUser());
  1. This is a very basic example. In a real world application, you should best use a database for this.
  2. This has to be true, so that interactions which don't have any permissions defined, don't fail.

Lastly, we have to register our RolePermissionsProvider.


public class RolePermissionsProvider implements PermissionsProvider {
JDACommands.builder(jda, Main.class)
    .permissionsProvider(new RolePermissionsProvider());