Please make yourself familiar with our Runtime Concept before you proceed. This is a centerpiece of JDA-Commands and a requirement for understanding the following parts.
In JDA-Commands you define interactions as methods. These methods must be contained in a class annotated with
which is also referred to as the interaction controller.
Each method controls one interaction. The interaction data gets defined by annotations and sometimes by the method signature. JDA-Commands will call the method when the interaction gets executed by a user.
It is recommended that you define one conversation per class. By conversation, we mean a logical sequence of interactions, for example a Slash Command that is replied to with a Button followed by a Modal.
public class GreetCommand {
@SlashCommand(value = "greet user", desc = "Play cookie clicker")//(2)!
public void onGreet(CommandEvent event, @Param("The user you want to greet") User user) {//(3)!
event.reply("Hello %s", user.getAsMention());
- This marks the
class as an interaction controller. - This defines the Slash Command and also tells JDA-Commands to call the
method for this command. - In that case the method signature also defines part of the interaction.
Runtime Scoped Instances¶
JDA-Commands will create one instance of the interaction controller class per conversation, which is stored in the corresponding Runtime. That way you don't need to worry about the scope of your variables. Even if multiple users execute your interaction simultaneously, they cannot affect the state of other executions.
Let's say we have the following code:
public class CookieClicker {
private int counter;
@SlashCommand(value = "cookie clicker", desc = "Play cookie clicker")//(1)!
public void onClicker(CommandEvent event) {
event.with().components("onCookie").reply("You've got %s cookie(s)!", counter);
@Button(value = "Collect", emoji = "🍪", style = ButtonStyle.SUCCESS)//(2)!
public void onCookie(ComponentEvent event) {
event.reply("You've got %s cookie(s)!", ++counter);
- This will be a command called
/cookie clicker
- This will be a button labeled with
Collect 🍪
Let's see what's going on here:
/cookie clicker
command is an entrypoint for starting a new conversation. Everytime the command gets executed JDA will hand over aSlashCommandInteractionEvent
to JDA-Commands, which is used to create a new Runtime. -
This Runtime will then create a new instance of the
class. This instance is used to execute theonClicker
method. -
When the
Collect 🍪
button gets clicked the same Runtime and thus the same instance of theCookieClicker
class will be used to execute theonCookie
method. -
This also means the
Collect 🍪
button is only usable as long as the Runtime is alive and thus the instance of theCookieClicker
class exists. You can circumvent this by making theCollect 🍪
button independent.