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This section only covers how you define components. See the Reply API section to learn how to use them in replies.


Buttons are defined by annotating a method with @Button. The first parameter must always be a ComponentEvent. The label and other metadata of the button is passed to the annotation.

public void onButton(ComponentEvent event) {...}


Sets the style of a button.

Button Styles


@Button(value = "example", style = ButtonStyle.DANGER)
public void onButton(ComponentEvent event) {...}


ButtonStyle.PREMIUM is not supported by JDA-Commands.


Sets the emoji of a button.


@Button(value = "Emoji", emoji = "🤗")
public void onButton(ComponentEvent event) {...}

Buttons that have a link cannot be executed, but they are still defined like normal buttons.


@Button(value = "JDA-Commands Wiki", link = "")
public void onButton(ComponentEvent event) { }

Select Menus

String Select Menus

String Select Menus are defined by annotating a method with @StringSelectMenu. The first parameter must always be a ComponentEvent. The second parameter must be a List.

The placeholder and other metadata of the String Select Menu is passed to the annotation.

Select Options are defined by annotating the method with @SelectOption.


@SelectOption(label= "Pizza", value = "pizza")
@SelectOption(label= "Hamburger", value = "hamburger")
@SelectOption(label= "Sushi", value = "Sushi")
@StringSelectMenu("What's your favourite food?")
public void onMenu(ComponentEvent event, List<String> choices) { ... }

Min & Max Value

String Select Menus support up to 25 options. You can set the minimum and maximum value by using the minValue and maxValue fields.


@SelectOption(label= "Pizza", value = "pizza")
@SelectOption(label= "Hamburger", value = "hamburger")
@SelectOption(label= "Sushi", value = "Sushi")
@StringSelectMenu(value = "What's your favourite food?", minValue = 2, maxValue = 4)
public void onMenu(ComponentEvent event, List<String> choices) { ... }

Entity Select Menus

Entity Select Menus are defined by annotating a method with @EntitySelectMenu. The first parameter must always be a ComponentEvent. The second parameter must be of type Mentions.


@EntitySelectMenu(value = SelectTarget.USER, placeholder = "Who's your favourite user?")
public void onMenu(ComponentEvent event, Mentions mentions) { ... }

Channel Types

When using SelectTarget.CHANNEL you can limit the selectable channel types with the channelTypes field.


            value = SelectTarget.CHANNEL, 
            placeholder = "What's your favourite channel?", 
            channelTypes = {ChannelType.TEXT, ChannelType.VOICE}
public void onMenu(ComponentEvent event, Mentions mentions) { ... }

Default Values

You can set the default values of the Entity Select Menu by using respectively the defaultChannels, defaultRoles or defaultUsers fields.


            value = SelectTarget.CHANNEL, 
            placeholder = "What's your favourite channel?",
            defaultChannels = {0123456789L, 9876543210L}
public void onMenu(ComponentEvent event, Mentions mentions) { ... }

Min & Max Value

Just as for String Select Menus you can set the minimum and maximum value by using the minValue and maxValue fields.