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Writing an Extension


The entrypoint of the Extension API is the so called Extension interface, which your extensions "entry class" must implement:

public class MyExtension implements Extension<?> {}


Furthermore, each entry class must override the Extension#init(T data) method, which will be called when JDA-Commands loads the extension. It can be used to configure extension specific options with help of an own implementation of Extension.Data.

public class MyExtension implements Extension<Void> {

    public void init(Void data) {
        // doing nothing if not needed

public class MyExtension implements Extension<MyExtensionData> {

    public void init(MyExtensionData data) { //(1)!
        if (data != null) {

    public @NotNull Class<MyExtensionData> dataType() {
        return MyExtensionData.class;

public record MyExtensionData(String someOption) implements Extension.Data {}
  1. If no instance of MyExtensionData is passed by the user, this argument will be set null.

Providing Implementations

Currently, extensions support to provide custom implementations of any class extending ExtensionProvideable, that is:

  • ClassFinder
  • Descriptor
  • InteractionControllerInstantiator
  • ErrorMessageFactory
  • Implementation.MiddlewareContainer (wrapper type for Middleware)
  • Implementation.TypeAdapterContainer (wrapper type for TypeAdapter)
  • Implementation.ValidatorContainer (wrapper type for Validator)
  • PermissionsProvider
  • GuildScopeProvider

To provide custom implementations we have to implement the Extensions#providedImplementations() method. This method returns a collection of all implementations that an extension provides, wrapped in an instance of Implementation.

public class MyExtension implements Extension<MyExtensionData> {

    public void init(MyExtensionData data) {
        if (data != null) {

    public @NotNull Collection<Implementation<?>> providedImplementations() {
        return List.of(new Implementation.single(
                _ -> new MyCustomDescriptor(this))

    public @NotNull Class<MyExtensionData> dataType() {
        return MyExtensionData.class;

public record MyExtensionData(String someOption) implements Extension.Data {}

Identity Equality


providedImplementations() and the supplier of Implementation will be called multiple times during JDA-Commands startup!

Thus, providedImplementations() must always return the same enumeration of Implementations. If the identity equality is important, the supplier of Implementation must also always return the same instances.

JDA-Commands doesn't rely on identity equality, but you might have fields that store information in that class. It should, of course, be the same instance then each time.

MyExtension could look something like this in that case:

public class MyExtension implements Extension<MyExtensionData> {

    private MyCustomDescriptor descriptor;

    public void init(MyExtensionData data) {
        if (data != null) {
            descriptor = new MyCustomDescriptor(this);

    public @NotNull Collection<Implementation<?>> providedImplementations() {
        return List.of(new Implementation.single(
                _ -> descriptor)

    public @NotNull Class<MyExtensionData> dataType() {
        return MyExtensionData.class;

public record MyExtensionData(String someOption) implements Extension.Data {}

The Implementation class

The Implementation class has 2 main purposes: State which class the custom implementation is for and providing instance(s) of those custom implementations.

To provide a custom implementation you have to create an instance of Implementation and provide

  1. the type of this Extension (that is a class/interface extending ExtensionProvidable)
  2. a supplier in form of java.util.fuction.Function that takes JDACBuilderData as an argument and returns a list of instances of custom implementations for the specific type
Example for ClassFinder
new Implemenation(
        builderData -> List.of(new CustomClassFinderOne(), new CustomClassFinderSecond(builderData.descriptor()))

It's also important that only the following types support multiple instances:

  • ClassFinder
  • Implementation.MiddlewareContainer (wrapper type for Middleware)
  • Implementation.TypeAdapterContainer (wrapper type for TypeAdapter)
  • Implementation.ValidatorContainer (wrapper type for Validator)

For all other types single(Class<T>,Function<JDACBuilderData,T> supplier) should be used.

The provided instance of JDACBuilderData only supports read access to the builder, which can be used to obtain any other part of the framework as a dependency. It's important to have in mind, that calls to this object will check all registered extensions for the needed implementation, thus cycling dependencies will result in an exception.


If the list returned by supplier is empty, this implementation will be treated as non-existent, which is useful for dynamic registration of custom implementation.


Custom extensions are found with help of Javas ServiceLoader API.

To register the above MyExtension we have to create a file in our resources\META-INF directory called com.github.kaktushose.jda.commands.extension.Extension.

└── main
    └── resources
        └── META-INF
            └── com.github.kaktushose.jda.commands.extension.Extension

The full class name of our class MyExtension (e.g. my.package.MyExtension) must be the content of this file.



The extension can now be found and loaded by JDA-Commands.