jda-commands 4.0.0-beta.5 API


A declarative, annotation driven interaction framework for JDA.


This is the official documentation for jda-commands. If you are new to jda-commands (or JDA in general) you might also find the following resources helpful:

Having trouble or found a bug?

Getting JDA-Commands


repositories {
dependencies {



Example Usage

1. Entrypoint

This is the easiest way of starting JDA-Commands. Besides your JDA (or ShardManager) instance, we also need a class of the classpath to scan for interactions.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JDA jda = yourJDABuilding();
        JDACommands jdaCommands = JDACommands.start(jda, Main.class);

2. Defining Interactions

You define interactions as methods. They are made up from the method annotations and in some cases the method signature, e.g. for command options. These methods must be contained in a class annotated with Interaction.

public class HelloWorld { 
    public void onCommand(CommandEvent event) {
        event.reply("Hello World!");

Runtime Concept

One of the core concepts in jda-commands is the so-called Runtime. It is mentioned frequently in the docs. A Runtime delegates the jda events to their corresponding EventHandlers and manages the used virtual threads.

A new Runtime is created each time a SlashCommandInteractionEvent, GenericContextInteractionEvent or CommandAutoCompleteInteractionEvent is provided by jda or if an interaction is marked as independent.

Runtimes are executed in parallel, but events are processed sequentially by each runtime. Every EventHandler called by this Runtime is executed in its own virtual thread, isolated from the runtime one.

See ExpirationStrategy for details when a Runtime will close.

event/runtime flowchart

Project Structure

The JDA-Commands project is structured in two (JPMS/gradle) modules.

Name JPMS Modules Dependency
jda-commands core + guice-extension io.github.kaktushose:jda-commands:VERSION
core io.github.kaktushose.jda.commands.core io.github.kaktushose.jda-commands:core:VERSION
guice-extension io.github.kaktushose.jda.commands.extension.guice io.github.kaktushose.jda-commands:guice-extension:VERSION


This is the module you get by using io.github.kaktushose:jda-commands:<version> as a dependency. It contains both the core and guice-extension module and is recommended for plug and play.

Attention: If you want to write an own extension, it should strictly depend on the core module.


The core module contains all general framework functionality, but lack a required dependency injection implementation.


The guice-extension module provides Google's Guice as a dependency injection implementation, using JDA-Commands' own extension system.

Guice Extension

This Extension allows the use of Google Guice as a dependency injection framework.

It replaces the default InteractionClassInstantiator implementation of the core module, which doesn't support dependency injection, and configures Guice. See the Guice Wiki for more information on how to use Guice.

Custom Injector

If you want to use a custom Guice Injector, you can provide one by using GuiceExtensionData.

Injector custom = Guice.createInjector();

JDACommands jdaCommands = JDACommands.builder(jda, Main.class)
        .extensionData(new GuiceExtensionData(custom))

Automatically discovered implementations

This JDA-Commands Extension allows the automatic discovering of implementations of following interfaces:

To make these implementations discoverable please annotate the involved classes with @Implementation. If you're implementing a TypeAdapter, Middleware or Validator you have to provide additionally information in @Implementation.

Please visit the docs of this class for further information.


@Implementation(priority = Priority.NORMAL)
public class CustomMiddleware implements Middleware {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FirstMiddleware.class);

    public void accept(InvocationContext<?> context) {
        log.info("run custom middleware");
The base module of jda-commands.
An extension to JDA-Commands providing Google's Guice as a dependency injection framework.